travel together

We keep trying to make even more exciting to go through Italy, Spain or France. And for sure one of our first ideas was to give people the opportunity to travel in a group of friends.

In a group. It normally happens, especially when you are doing something that weird. Everyone tries to help each other. It is a kind of selection you accept choosing an adventure like The GIRA.

But on top of that, we thought to communities like the Pink Trotters! they organize events, meetings, and happenings for their community! An holiday among people with same interests, reading the same page!
Logo cerchio no ghirigoro

Cute, isn’t it?

If you are thinking you’d love to travel with them (it is a “pink” community), just do that!  here all the details! The Pink trotters will be with us in an electrifying Milan – Catania, scheduled from July 30 to August 7!


We are looking forward!


Come pianificare le tappe

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano and Français. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.

Cartina. Anche di carta se siete anziani come me. E se ne avete, tirate fuori le vecchie guide Michelin, o gli atlanti del Touring Club. E le vecchie foto di quando avete attraversato l’Italia in 127 nel 1980 … no eh? ve l’ho detto che sono anziano.

Contate che si possono fare 200km di media in un giorno. Ma si può arrivare, all’occorrenza e senza particolari drammi, anche a 300. Occhio però che non tutti i chilometri sono uguali.

Sull’Appennino, o sulla Sila, la nostra apina rallenta molto! ogni tanto vi sembrerà di dover scendere a spingerla. Ma no, non è così. Va ovunque! Schermata 2016-05-16 alle 16.58.47

La domanda più importante però è: che cosa voglio vedere? sceglietevi due o tre cose che davvero volete vedere e intorno a quelle costruite il vostro percorso. L’Italia è tutta bella! e lo sono anche Spagna e Francia! Per cui non avete che l’imbarazzo della scelta!

e ricordateSchermata 2016-05-16 alle 16.58.13vi: 200km di media, 300 all’occorrenza. Non in autostrade ne tangenziali! Ricordatevi di mettere nel vostro navigatore, evita autoestrada, evita pedagi.

Aggiungo anche qualche immagine di cartine tratte dai localizzato GPS … così vi fate un’idea!

Schermata 2016-05-17 alle 09.54.40




night accommodations

Looking for places to rest while doing the GIRA? still wondering how many miles per day, and where is better to go?

We tried to help you with the support of Musement, one of the most innovative company in the so-called “tourism digital arena”


We are looking for two main things: a) budget planning so you can understand in advance how much the accommodation could cost b) peace of mind on the night accommodations … for those who prefer to plan in advance!

But coming to the point, after this long intro. Here are the “nights packs”:

buon viaggio!


Imagines so ofter are better than words. And to tell about The GIRA experience, the best way is to show what was for me traveling last year.

This video, absolutely “hand made” and not professional, for me is important: it reminds me the spirit of the journey. The singing guy is Marcello (when he discovers I am broadcasting him singing, he’ll try to kill me…), performing a song of Adriano Celentano. We had many moments like this. Light-hearted. Singing because it was “natural” to do so.

What else?

We are looking forward to listen your songs!



Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano, Français and Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.

Cinque giorni soltanto. Eppure.

Elisa e Max vivono a Parigi, li ho conosciuti in una fredda giornata di marzo. Mi hanno raccontato dei loro viaggi in giro per il mondo e dell’Australia che li aveva resi “famosi” su internet.

Quando ho raccontato di The GIRA mi guardavano perplessi. Non capivano bene. In effetti mi capita spesso di essere osservato così ultimamente. Ma poi pian piano la curiosità è stata più forte.


Li ho ritrovati alla partenza della Milano Amalfi. Elisa bionda, carina, vivacissima. Occhi veloci e lingua ancor di più. Max con tutta l’armamentario del reporter / fotografo / smanettone dietro. Si sono portati anche un drone.

duomo Milano rickshaw
Milano duomo calessino Ape

Poi via: lezione di guida e finalmente la partenza.


Milano Amalfi bestjobers
Ricky sulla spiaggia

Beh la sorpresa più bella è stata seguirli su snapchat e vederli appassionarsi sempre di più. Il calessino lo chiamano Ricky! Si sono affezionati. E l’italia è stata una scoperta anche per loro.

In soli 5 giorni. Ma forse ne sono bastati anche meno.

Gli altri sono di godimento puro

Seguiteli su


TheGIRA for #25karambola

The GIRA doesn’t mean only adventures for …adventurists, people in love with travels or escaping from the boring life.

It is also a tool for Companies looking for unconventional communication ways.

First project this year is with Karambola, one of the historical brands of Alpitour, leader travel company. Karambola is celebrating 25 years of life, with 25 parties across Italy with our rickshaws! By the way, have you seen how cool is our rickshaw with karambola dressing?!)

Follow us on the social networks using #25karambola, try to catch up with our rickshaws and party with us!

every evening at 7PM. Where? find it with #25karambola !


Steady, ready, GO!

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Is there a better way to start this blog that with a Shakespearian sonnet? And actually The GIRA is a sunny day!

But first of all let me introduce myself: I am Alberto, and I’ll try to regularly update this blog to keep you posted on crazy the GIRA adventures, and when required, to give you the relevant news.

As you have noticed, my English is awful. I am a native Italian, and unfortunately just learnt English at school … so please be generous! And if you don’t understand or want to report mistakes, please use the comments here below.

But now let’s go to the point: The GIRA started this year as well. And with some big news:

Italy is still there! on the “classical” routes Milan-Amalfi and Milan-Catania. Five or nine days. You won’t regret!

New routes in Spain and France, for brand new adventures. Never ever done before!

We have got also a new website, allowing us to follow in real time what is happening on the social networks and moreover to follow on a map the rickshaws around across Italy, Spain and France!

In principles: a lot of things!

Stay tuned!
