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We’ve setup 2 back and forth ways between Lille and Montpellier…
The Gira has think about a possible route, mixing historical places, wonderful landscapes, cities to see, and also scenic roads, aith a good balance of beelines and hairpins curves: the West Road!
More over, just read from end to beginning i f you choose to go from Lille to Montpellier!

Leaving Montpellier, go towards Rodez, through the Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causses, across Larzac, pass under the pont de Millau, for a first step in Conques (after a stop in Musée Soulages de Rodez).
Next day, 
let’s got to Bergerac, across Périgord and the vallée de la Dordogne, and don not forget to visitSaint Cirq Lapopie..
The third day, heading North to cross the Parc Naturel Régional Périgord Limousin, towards Poitiers, and his historical center, after visiting Angoulême.
Then, still heading north, go the Loire Valley for visiting all castles (Azay le Rideau, Amboise, Chenonceaux et faire une étape à Chambord)

Leaving the Loire to get around Paris by West, via Chateaudun, Chartres, and Dreux
Then we can go to Tréport on the côte d’albâtre, after crossing Rouen.
The last day, we reach Lille, via Abbeville and Béthune.